Что называют осциллографом?



Dictionary.com Unabridged:

a device that uses a cathode-ray tube or similar instrument to depict on a screen periodic changes in an electric quantity, as voltage or current.


American Heritage® Dictionary:

An electronic instrument that produces an instantaneous trace on the screen of a cathode-ray tube corresponding to oscillations of voltage and current.


Online Etymology Dictionary:

1915, "instrument for visually recording an electrical wave," a hybrid formed from L. oscillare "to swing"



electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities


American Heritage® Science Dictionary:

An electronic instrument used to observe and measure changing electrical signals. The amplitude of the signal as it varies with time is displayed graphically on a screen as a line stretching from left to right, with displacements up and down indicating the amplitude of the signal. Oscilloscopes are used to diagnose problems in electronic signal-processing devises, such as computers or stereos, and to monitor electrical activity in the body, such as that of heartbeats.


American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary:

An electronic instrument that produces an instantaneous trace on the screen that corresponds to oscillations of voltage and current.


Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary:

an instrument in which the variations in afluctuating electrical quantity appear temporarily as a visible waveform on the fluorescent screen of a cathode-ray tube


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary:

An instrument for showing visually the changes in a varying current; an oscillograph.